April 24 hours, 24 icons, and a sketchnote challenge

The sketchnote community motto is Ideas, not art!. SketchnoteHangout.com would like to add Practice makes progress! Today you are invited to sketch 24 icons and a sketchnote in 24 hours using updated #SNhangout prompt, hopefully, it will be easier to complete now that it’s been translated from Latin to English 🙂

Happy April Fool’s Day!

King Home Garden Time Lord Lamb Year Heavy Water Tree Beard Field Big/Great Dog Famous island One hundred Cross right Students Horse Happy Lion Sea. Task Sketchnote a children’s story using 10 or more icon created.

Please share your creations using #SNhangout  on Twitter and Instagram. Good luck and have fun!

March 24 hours, 24 icons, and a sketchnote challenge

The sketchnote community motto is Ideas, not art!. SketchnoteHangout.com would like to add Practice makes progress! Today at 21:58 GMT you are invited to sketch 24 icons and a sketchnote in 24 hours using #SNhangout ‘Equinox Edition’ prompt:

Words: Earth, Sun, Equator, Day, Night, Year, Raincoat, Zodiac, Bright, Chirping, Grow, Hatching, Warm, Sprouting, Caterpillar, Melting, Tadpole, Allergies, Nature, Puddles, Rainbow, Spring, Watering Can, and Sundial. Optional task: Sketchnote your spring cleaning plans

Inspiration song: http://bit.ly/CleaningSong

Please share your creations using #SNhangout  on Twitter and Instagram. Good luck and have fun!

February’s 24 hours, 24 icons, and a sketchnote challenge!

The sketchnote community motto is Ideas, not art!. SketchnoteHangout.com would like to add Practice makes progress! Today you are invited to sketch 24 icons and a sketchnote in 24 hours using #SNhangout prompt:

FINAL - Feb 2019 - SNhangout Challenge

Inspiration song: https://bit.ly/2LSiQG8

Please share your creations using #SNhangout  on Twitter and Instagram. Good luck and have fun!